I'm still experimenting with this blog. Anyone like the new layout? But, speaking of experiment, here is one I conducted in Kauai:
Hypothesis: I believe If I go fast enough, I can run/walk on water.
Finding: I'm not fast, and fat guys float. Body fat = buoyancy.
This place is called Queen's Bath. It is a little cove that is protected by some lava rock. Occasionally, the waves splash over the top, but for the most part, it is a nice, protected place to swim.
It is nice, unless some SERIOUS nerds stop by. We had the place to ourselves, until this lady below showed up.
She waddled on in with a too-tight bathing suit, flippers, pink snorkel and personal floatation device (also apparently unaware of the above buoyancy principle). I guess her idea of snorkeling consists of a small, isolated pool of water with limited aquatic life. I still wonder why she would need flippers in 300 square feet of water with no noticeable current. She hovered motionless around the bath, seriously moving so little that we wondered if she was still alive. For all we know, she could still be there...
i love the new layout! you guys did fun stuff. keep it coming.
my stomach hurts from laughing so hard at that last paragraph.
That's my kind of snorkeling. Was there even any fish?
Yeah, there were some fish in there - but nothing like out on a reef. This lady was making absolutely NO effort to see the fish, however. She was waiting for them to come to her.
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