My beard, which was born at scout camp, is nearing its 2-week birthday on Sunday. It has been itching me like crazy, and I came home from work tonight determined that it must go. However, I'm beginning to feel a sort of closeness to it. I need your help. Please use the comments section to vote 'yeah' or 'nay' to my keeping the beard. Your help is much appreciated...
Yeah, that's quite a bit of gray you see in there.
Abbey asked me to grow it as long as Santa's Beard. She probably assumes that since I already possess his round physique, my transformation to Old St. Nick will be sure to follow. Little does she know that saying this is only HURTING her chances at Christmas time.
She actually asked me to either "Grow it as long as Santa's... or just grow a mustache". Yikes. I'm beginning to seriously wonder what kind of guy she will end up marrying. She one time told us how she thinks Mario (yeah, the Nintendo guy) is very handsome.
There has been a noticeable decrease in the number of hugs and kisses I receive from Mylie.
My vote is 'Nay', but we can let the voters decide...
i think it's ultimately up to emily. so i vote the way emily votes.
That is so weak. Admit that you love it...
To beard, or not to beard. That is the question...
i actually really like beards. so i vote keep it if your work doesn't mind.
i would love for jimi to have a beard, but they are only allowed mustaches. hey - allegiant - the 70's called and they want their facial hair back.
Nay, based on the fact that you're getting fewer hugs and kisses from your won't be long before she won't want to hug you a all...grow it then.
hmmm... i would vote nay. it might age you ~5 years.
i love those pics of the girls. mario...interesting pic abbey.
andy once grew a mustache for work. blech.
Yay! Then you can wear a red polo shirt to church and pass for an investigator.
Yay for now. When it gets to Santa length or longer than 1/2 inch my vote is NAY.
Nay for me... but I would listen to your wife. It is for the best.
soooo...did you shave?
you cant do a ballot and then not tell the voters the results.
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