Monday, March 8, 2010


Do you ever think your kids do silly things?  Here are just a few those moments in our family.

This is what is called "going through the tunnell". 

Thisis what's called "putting your foot in your mouth".

This is what's called "going on a pic-nic"...
...apparently they only brought food for the ants.
This is what is called "emptying the dishwasher"  (when the girls empty the dishwasher, I have them stack the dishes that belong in the above cupboards on the counter, they think its funny to make towers out of them.)
This is what is called "sleeping". 
 Sometimes on weekends we let Abbey and Mylie have a sleepover downstairs.  They watch a movie and sleep in their sleeping bags.  This is where they chose to sleep last weekend.  I'm pretty sure there wasn't much sleeping going on.
Garrett was a little jealous of their sleepover so he had one of his own.


Mary said...

That picnic looks freezing. I don't think any ants will be out to take their food.

Kelli said...

that food in the bag is hilarious. and yeah, probably the ants will wait for the snow to melt before coming out.

going through the tunnel looks fun.

i love a good masonology post. i'm sad there won't be another one for 2 more months.

Brandon said...


Please throw that hair gel I bought over the weekend in the garbage. Strike 2 (I possibly hate this one worse). I might need to make another pilgrimage to that dollar store again.

jamie k said...

how in the world did garrett fall asleep like that? i only wish sammy would do that sometimes.

i love a good masonology post too.

K.Booth said...

I am loving the picnic on the hard, concrete driveway, with such a cute blanket. And the food...that looks like the bottom of our "church bag"....great pics and post, your children are darling. I told Jamie I am wanting to eat dinner with you guys again!! Tell Brandon once he gets his hair gel issues worked out, we want to go out......