Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Abbey

Yesterday was Abbey's Birthday. I told her I would make what ever she wanted for dinner or we could go out to eat anywhere she wanted. I figured we would be going to McDonalds, but she chose to go to Rumbi. We've only been there a couple time and I don't think she really cares too much for the food, but every time we go she likes to call it Ru Ru Rumbi and she repeats it over and over and over. So when asked what she wanted to do for her birthday dinner she said Ru Ru Rumbi.

On Saturday we had a birthday party for her. This was her first "friends" birthday party. The theme was a pretend sleep-over (thanks to Kim for the great idea) the girls wore their pajamas and brought their sleeping bags. Itwas so much fun!

When everyone got there we watched a movie and ate popcorn.

They played musical sleeping bags. This game was a hit. Mylie was the very first person out, which didn't go over too well.

Music stopped, everyone in a sleeping bag.

This was supposed to be a balloon relay where you have two teams and you run to the other end of the room and sit on the balloon to pop it, run back tag the next person on your team. Repeat. So on and so forth. Balloons these days are a lot stronger than they used to be so we ended up having everyone bounce on their balloon and the first to pop wins. It went on for nearly five minutes. It was funny to watch. Notice some girls are plugging their ears.

Balloon pop video

I made journals and the girls decorated them with foam stickers and jewels.

This is the little kid table.

Opening of the presents. Can they get any closer?

Singing Happy Birthday. Abbey was funny to watch while we sang, I could tell she was embarrassed. (you can kinda tell in this picture)

Happy Birthday Abbey!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Early and Late

The other day Abbey was talking to me and I thought to myself her teeth are getting crooked. Then a couple hours later we were eating lunch and it dawned on me that she had a loose tooth. It's her first. Is this early? She turns 5 tomorrow. So, when did your kids lose their first teeth?

notice how it sticks out and looks crooked.

Mylie had her first hair cut the other day. She's 2 3/4, now I know that's late for a first haircut. I'm probably the only one that can tell it's been cut, but it was getting very mullety and nappy. I only cut the back, the bangs just don't grow.

In other news... Lately Mylie has been waking up and wanting to come in our room. If it is really early (around 2:00) I make her a bed on the floor, but if it is later (6:00ish) we just put her in our bed. A couple days ago she was in our bed and when she woke up in the morning she started whining about her soggy pull-up. Brandon and I were both sleeping and I didn't feel like getting up so I told her to take off her jammies and pull-up, get a wipe and wipe herself and then put on a new one. She disappeared for I don't know how long (I fell back asleep), when she came back she proudly announced she was wearing a new pull-up. The same thing happened this morning. She's a genius, she can change her own diapers. This is much easier than potty training. I'm sure all of you are thinking: a) terrible parenting and b) if she can change her own diaper, she certainly can learn to do her business on the toilet. I say a) you're probably right, but one day she'll thank me when she has babies of her own and b) I will take any of your potty training tips and suggestions (especially for getting them to go #2 on the potty).

Monday, November 10, 2008

This is what happens...

...when you let your kids play with your camera.

Here we are making sugar cookies. I guess this is Mylie giving Abbey a taste of cookie dough, who knows I can't really tell.

Can anyone guess the shape of the cookies?

The other day I was on the computer when Abbey found my camera and wanted to take a picture. (this is something that happens often so I usually try to hide it) At the very second I said I don't like you playing with my camera, you're going to ruin it. Crash! she dropped it on the floor. I put it up and didn't realize anything was wrong until I got it out to take pictures of us making cookies.

I guess this http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3103034&cp=3250917 is what I will be getting for Christmas this year.


To make a long story short, we don't have any cool pictures to post (more on that later). I've noticed that when the news media doesn't have anything cool to write about, they simply provide filler in the form of meaningless statistics. I'm no different, as evidenced below:

When I quit my job in September, I went back and looked at how much I'd flown in the previous 12 months. Below is a summary of 1 year of my flight history. It makes somewhat nauseous to think about how much this really is:

67 Delta legs - 125,200 miles
23 United legs- 21,250 miles
2 legs on Alaska Airlines - 1,818 miles
4 Southwest legs - 2,368 miles
2 WestJet trips- 2,874 miles
1 Ward Air flight - about 40 miles
1 leg on Wings of Alaska - maybe 40 miles

Totals: 100 legs; 153,630 miles

In the event you don't believe me (Nettie never believes a thing I say), I'll include a screen shot of my Delta profile. I know this is blury. Click on it to make it better, Nettie.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Abbey as Dorthy and Mylie the giraffe
We trick-or-treated Brandon at work and when we got there we were surprised to find Mylie the giraffe's twin. (neither of them like to wear the hoods)
Off they go with Oskar the super dog. Brandon took them trick-or-treating while I stayed home and handed out candy.
Doesn't he look very brave and heroic in a super dog cape. (If anyone is in need of a cape for their dog or kids my sister makes and sells them at Kelli's Online Store. And while I'm doing plugs for people my other sister makes and sells quilts and ponies/clippies here Click For Nettie's Store . ) There's my commercial, now back to the blog (most of you probably wish you had a dvr on this blog and could fast forward through that)
This was half time when Brandon dropped off Mylie and Oskar...
...And Abbey went out for more candy.