What do you do when you feel like taking a swim, but forgot your swimming suits? Abbey just swims in her underwear, Mylie chooses her birthday suit, Brandon strips down to his bottom G's, at least Jud has the decency to wear his shorts and the rest of us stay dry in the boat.
Can anyone guess what Abbey is doing here?
Back at camp...
James is loved
Abbey and Mylie playing "basketball" (thanks for remembering Ashley)
Notice the tent in the background. That is what we like to call our "RT" (recreational tent) as opposed to the two RV's in the above picture. Juds and Ashley's on the left and Terry and Kathy's on right. We found that there are many advantages to having an RV over and RT... besides the fact that it is a house on wheels, when your fellow camp neighbors blast their butt rock at 3:00 a.m. the people in the RV's sleep right through it.
Abbey met Smokey the Bear, Mylie was afraid of him
Mylie and I at sunset with the moon. The moon is one of Mylie's favorite thing in life, she always knows where it is, day or night.
Abbey and I in the Kayak. She's not a bad rower for a 4 year old. (We've had a lot of fun with our kayak this year, you should all get one and we could have a kayak caravan or have kayak races. It would be a really good excuse to get together.)
This is what happens when Brandon tries to go for a tube ride with Abbey.