How about the mens gymnastics team! Who needs the Hamm twins anyway.

And can you believe that this...

Turned into a gold medal finish for this relay team!
I think that race might be the highlight of the whole olympics (even though we're only 4 days into it). There have been many records broken, some by a long shot in both the mens and womens swimming. Is that swimming pool a couple inches shorter than standard olympic pools? Or are they really that good.
I was amazed by 2 races:
1) The swimming race.
2) The race of the swimmer in that race.
I know you were all thinking it...
that was the best race ever!!! i was laying in bed watching it while andy and oakley were asleep (i don't have tivo) and i had to have some serious self-discipline to not scream. it was amazing!!
lol brandon.
it was totally awesome. Jamie you don't like michael phelps, so this must be a pretty disappointing olympics for you.
I agree, who needs the hamm brothers...they talk like mickey mouse anyway.
I don't get it brandon?
nettie, the black guy
jamie, you don't like michael phelps?
emily, it was totally awesome...i watched it alone so i couldn't really celebrate with anyone - so i called jamie
brandon, good one
Honestly, Emily, I don't think you could have found a creepier photo of the team. Each seems to be completely absorbed in some strange homo behavior. I guess I somewhat understand the bare-chested embrace, but what in the WORLD is the second guy from the left doing? Are they about to dance? You can tell by the look on his face that he is fairly disgusted by himself right then.
I agree with Brandon's last comment about the embraces-I have a friend who posted a picture of them also unzipping each others swimsuits-maybe you can get that one Emily!!!! J/K
well they can't unzip their own suits...let's all grow up
I liked this photo because is was so candid. All the other pictures were only of Michael Phelps and although I do like Michael Phelps, he can't take the glory for this one. If any of them deserve the tile of hero of this race it would definitely have to go to Ryan Lezac. I saw nothing homo about this picture and still don't. So like Kelli said grow up!
p.s. Those gymnasts all have their arms around each other... they must be gay!
And so begins our blog's first controversy...
The next one will probably involve the results of our poll. I'm still trying to figure out who voted for Kyle Korver.
It was probably some gay guy who voted for Kyle Korver
lol emily...
lol emily...
Hey Mason, it's the Wheeler's!!
How the heck are you??? Glad you joined the blogging community.
Brandon you are so funny! Chad got a very good laugh at your comment. I will be sure to post as many topless pictures of Chad that I possibly can! Although, it looks like you guys have plenty of topless men on your blog at the moment!
Speaking of nasty naked men, I saw way too much of you this weekend Brandon...
Ashley, you are welcome.
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