What do you do when you feel like taking a swim, but forgot your swimming suits? Abbey just swims in her underwear, Mylie chooses her birthday suit, Brandon strips down to his bottom G's, at least Jud has the decency to wear his shorts and the rest of us stay dry in the boat.
Can anyone guess what Abbey is doing here?
Back at camp...
James is loved
Abbey and Mylie playing "basketball" (thanks for remembering Ashley)
Notice the tent in the background. That is what we like to call our "RT" (recreational tent) as opposed to the two RV's in the above picture. Juds and Ashley's on the left and Terry and Kathy's on right. We found that there are many advantages to having an RV over and RT... besides the fact that it is a house on wheels, when your fellow camp neighbors blast their butt rock at 3:00 a.m. the people in the RV's sleep right through it.
Abbey met Smokey the Bear, Mylie was afraid of him
Mylie and I at sunset with the moon. The moon is one of Mylie's favorite thing in life, she always knows where it is, day or night.
Abbey and I in the Kayak. She's not a bad rower for a 4 year old. (We've had a lot of fun with our kayak this year, you should all get one and we could have a kayak caravan or have kayak races. It would be a really good excuse to get together.)
This is what happens when Brandon tries to go for a tube ride with Abbey.
so many funny pictures, i dont even know where to begin.
1. why did you all forget swimsuits?
2. abbey asleep=so funny. i bet she denys the whole thing.
3. peeing
lol. those pictures are great!!! good commentary.
Wait I wasn't finished! Are you guys on 24/7?
We brought our swimming suits to F.G. just not on the boat that time out. You're right Kelli, Abbey totally denied being asleep.
btw, does anyone know why sometimes you can click on the pictures and enlarge them and sometimes you can't?
lol emily. ... 24/7... this post is sooooo making me LOL
ya me too...why do you publish if you're not done?
abbey is going to hate that picture pretty bad when she's older i think. (the peeing one)
mylie's made ammends with the moon? she doesn't get scared in its presence anymore?
I love the picture of Brandon and Abbey on the tube ride! Did it actually completely endo, or just tip backwards? I hope I don't get told to grow up from this comment, I tried to be very careful. J/K
The story behind the tube is that my dad wasn't going fast enough to get us on top of the water. We were essentially drowning for awhile, until we finally jumped off.
As for the fish, I'm trying to redeem myself this weekend.
I am laughing at all the comments. EMily your family is so cute. I wish I could have seen everyone at the reunion. I love the blog on marty leaving a comment especially kelli's comment about not having a life because it's so true. I hope you are well.
Liked this post. If possible, take more photos of RVs... I know that Brandon has his eye on one of them there RVs now that he drives a huge truck.
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