It's always fun to have visitors. Kim and Aaron stayed with a for a couple days. The girls had so much fun together, but I think their favorite thing was climbing on the rocks in our backyard. Now if I had the mind set of a seasoned blogger, I would have remembered to take pictures of this.
We wanted to ride the gondola to the top of Snow Basin, but it only runs on the weekends. Instead, we took the kids to the Treehouse Museum.
Playing the drums
Having a tea pary
We decided to take the scenic drive to snowbasin anyway...
Climbing the bear statue
This is the only picture I got of Wyatt. Poor kid, he's the youngest and he was the only boy. Mylie thought she was pretty cool though, she enjoyed having someone younger than her to be in charge of and boss around.
Wyatt and Mylie
I think this picture is funny. It started to sprinkle and the girls were trying to catch the rain drops in their mouths.
After everyone left Abbey kept asking all day "Mom do you miss Ashley and Kailyn" and "Are Ashley and Kailyn still driving".
Thanks for coming to visit Aaron and Kim. We welcome visitors anytime!
that treehouse museum looks pretty fun. was it in business when i was there a year ago, and if so why didn't we go?
Kailyn is making a silly face in every picture...what a little ham!
I'm so glad your blogging now. It's great so see your girls-they are getting so big! When we come out next we'll definitely have to go to the TreeHouse Museum.
Nettie, I think we talked about the treehouse museum (maybe that was when you came in the spring). We should have gone though, it would have given us something to do.
It was so fun! You guys were excellent hosts - and Brandon, I promise that was the best fish I have ever eaten it - You would have known that had you noticed that I cleaned up my plate!
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