Meet our new puppy:
He is a Boxer (yes we copied Jamie). His name was Fritz for about half the day, but then I remembered something I've heard about not naming your dogs one syllable names because they get confused with all of their one syllable commands like stay, sit, come, etc. So now he doesn't really have a name. Abbey has been getting the name Freddie confused with Fritz for some reason, so who knows maybe he's a Freddie.
We weren't planning on getting a dog. I had mentioned a time or two that Jamie and Andy's boxer puppy was cute; so when driving home yesterday evening we saw a sign that said 'Boxer Pups for Sale'. Brandon flipped a U-turn and here we are, the proud owner of a dog.
When we went to check them out last night the owner let all four puppies out at once and in their excitement to see us, they jumped up on Abbey and Mylie. Abbey screamed and climbed up Brandon. Mylie freaked out and cried for the rest of the time we were there. They have now warmed up to him (for the most part), especially Abbey. She loves him! She said good night to him about 4 times tonight and asked if he was going to church with us tomorrow.
If you think he looks sad in this picture that's because he is. He misses his brothers and sister.
He's scared too. He keeps going under the deck to hide. Poor puppy, it's hard being taken away from your mom and dad and brothers and sisters.
So far he's a good little puppy. He hasn't pooped or peed in the house... yet. He seems pretty mellow, but I'm sure once he get's used to his new home he'll hyper up a little.
oh yes. he will hyper up. we took oakley to the vet about 1 week after we got her and the vet tech said, "oh, you don't even know her yet"...and it kinda upset me because she was MY dog - of course i know her...better than anyone else. we were wrong. it takes a little while for their full personality/energy to come out. we love him!!! it REALLY makes andy want another one (he's hoping you give yours to us).
ps. don't trust them too much. they seem like such good dogs while you're home with them, but then you leave them home alone and you come home and you see that they CHEW! hope you have a crate/kennel! pps. rawhide is a life savors!
he's very cute, but I still can't believe you got a dog. Do you realize you are going to have to clean up dog poop?
or worse, your kids might step in dog poop and then bring it into the house!
Oh he's so cute!!! I do like the name Otto-or Boozer still! You'll love having a dog for a friend. They get to know you so well(if they are smart-which I'm sure yours is)and they can sense everything-all the different moods in the home. You'll be great parents to him-and the girls will learn to love him-just be patient with the potty training!-but the kennel is definitely a good idea
i have yet to clean up dog poop... like kelli told me, the first couple weeks you just want to give them away because they can be sooo stressful. but then you get past that phase and you love your dog (most of the time).
nettie, just give in to the dog world. morgan would LOVE it.
who cleans up after him jamie? are you one of those people that let their dog poop on someone elses yard without cleaning it up?
I know she would love it, but I'd rather just visit the neighbors dogs. Plus jeff is allergic to dogs (and cats--thanks goodness), so there won't be any at our house.
Trent here:
Go to Walmart and stock up on Kids 'N Pets enzymatic cleaner and you will be fine. That stuff is a must for anyone who is raising pets or who owns children. You just put it on, the microbes eat whatever fluids are there, and they evaporate away. No smell or cleanup.
Now that my commercial (which you will thank me for) is done, let me say that I am proud of you guys for getting a dog! I thought you should have owned one since your huge backyard in Harrisville. Use German to train him because that will be cooler and if possible, name him Boozer or Deron.
My Mom didn't seem thrilled though... she probably is saying things like 'he will shed' or 'get big' or 'look at those paws that will track in mud' right? (She didn't say that to me, I am just remembering what she said about our dog Benson who when full grown was as big as your little Deron.
Brandon is good at cleaning poo so no worries there, although he has a track record of urinating on canine's heads. Good luck!
Thanks, Trent.
I guess it finally come down to the fact that we only communicate via blog comments now. Nice.
Anyway, let me elaborate on Trent's comment.
Christmas Day, 1991. We gt a dog (Teak) for Christmas, but we actually took ownership of his on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning was to be his big debut where he would be found in a stocking and be the center of attention. We woke up and my mom asked me to take him out to pee. While I was out there, peeing seemed like a good idea for me, too. I got about half way done, looked down, and realized I was peeing on the dog's head. Christmas was put on hold while he was given a bath.
nettie - no, my dog knows where she is allowed to go. i'm just saying, cleaning up poo is the least of your worries with a puppy.
lol brandon. what were you doing?...looking for santa in the sky? that story is sooo funny. poor teak.
hey negative nancy, i mean nettie...don't worry i gave them all the negatives there are about dog ownership. but the positives are sooo worth it.
that makes me want to cry how sad fritzy is. but that wont last long.
i like how you tried to make us all think you were pregnant at the top of your post. good one.
Oh, let them have their fun Nettie. I'm allergic too, but that doesn't mean I can't support their decision to be parents once again...well, sort of.
i'm just saying...
nettie, remember when i used to be the rodeo clown for that crazy cat that used to chase us from the trampoline?
I love the first picture of him under the deck. He is a very cute puppy. I am still sticking with my decision though- I will get a buffalo before I get a dog. Good luck!
lol, kelli the rodeo could i forget? i still don't trust cats. hate them actually. and see, ashley doesn't want a dog either. I'm not a negative nancy, I'm just reminding emily that she once didn't want a dog either.
i guess i'm mostly surprised, so is it going to be a indoor or outdoor dog?
I love the Sorenson sister dialog. I bet you guys have a lot of fun when you all get together!!! I bet you never fought when you all were younger, just like my sisters and I never ever fought-ever, ever. yeah almost
What's more annoying than the new puppy is a little girl going around yelling at the puppy all day long: "OSKAR, NO OSKAR, OSKAR, (scream...cry) MOMMY HOLJA ME" (that's how Mylie says hold me). Then the next minute she is on the floor hugging and playing with him (which is cute) "Oskar you're so cute, I love you Oskar" then he'll get too rough and the screaming and yelling starts all over again. I'm constantly reffereeing.
So what do you all think of his "new" name, Oskar?
i like oskar a lot!
is he sleeping through the night? (hmmm...that's the question i get all the time about avery)
does he need a dog cape? check out my etsy shop...
i LOVE the name oskar!!!
oooohh. we love our dog cape. super oakley to the rescue! (she even leaps around in it like she thinks she really can fly) --- can't wait for halloween! both of our dogs' names start with an "O" -we could share the doggy cape if you want.
i want more pictures...
maybe the big announcement will be a new blog post
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