Friday, February 6, 2009

Worst...Golf Course...Ever...

Well, since my whale didn't spark any interest (you know, it really hurts my feelings when I don't get any comments on this stupid blog), I have decided to showcase my parents' adventures in retirement. They are currently living the dream as Sunbirds in Quartzite, AZ.

Ahhhh... the joys of RV Livin': The open road. Porta-potties. Swap-Meets. Cramming all of life's essentials into a rolling palace on wheels so you can park inches away from other people who share your same ambitions. This is what its all about, I guess.

The metropolis of Quartize, Arizona is a retirement haven (so I'm told). As proof to this, I offer exhibits A, B, and C. Eat your heart out, Pebble Beach...

Exhibit A. The high life.

Exhibit B. I'm thinking that the government must have tested some nukes here. If they didn't they should have.

Exhibit C. I think the bleachers are the remains of a planewreck.


Yatesfam said...

LOL...I LOVE the bleachers, those are classics!!!! This reminds me of the movie RV, have they experienced the RV dump yet? lol

Kelli said...

here you go. here's a comment.

Kelli said...

no but really's a shame they won't ever see this post. it's featuring them, but they "aren't modern people brandon", so they probably don't check blogs i'm guessing?

Brandon said...


They actually just got 'that Internet'. They even got some wireless data plan that lets them get it in thier motorhome. However, I am doubtful that they would ever actually read any of the comments (clicking links would be too techie for them). Besides, as you can tell, they have quite a bit going on. They probably simply don't have the time...

Brandon said...


They actually just got 'that Internet'. They even got some wireless data plan that lets them get it in thier motorhome. However, I am doubtful that they would ever actually read any of the comments (clicking links would be too techie for them). Besides, as you can tell, they have quite a bit going on. They probably simply don't have the time...

Anonymous said...

Here I am clinking "Links", and I have to tell you that it is "Snowbirds", not Sunbirds.

Kathy say's she is so modern now that she even gets her hair highlighted (hiding the grey).

Kelli said...

welcome to "that internet" kathy! good to have you in the blogging world.

nettie said...

oh my goodness...this is hilarious. especially the comments!

Ferguson Family said...

At least they didn't wait until the mid 90's to get a microwave like my folks. Looks like a great course!