Friday, October 3, 2008

Dog Update

OK, the pooch is back on my good side. He can stay with us for the time being. we rented Season 2 of The Dog Whisperer and my goal is to become the pack leader.

On a side note, doe anyone know how to rid a dog of 'Dog Smell'? Your hints are appreciated...


Kelli said...

"nature's miracle" is supposed to be the best. i called the carpet cleaners when we first moved into this house and asked about cat pee (i know nettie, so gross!) from the previous owners, and they said nature's miracle unless something else had already been put on it. other stuff can "set" the smell. and the smell was set, so we put in wood floors.
but we use nm on piper's accidents and it seems to work. unless my house stinks and i dont know about it.
probably stinks.

Trent Mason said...

Kids 'n Pets is a miracle substance. You could urinate on a bearskin rug after eating 3 lbs. of asparagus- and providing you use enough, the enzymes will take care of it leaving only the smell of clean. Don't know about "set-in" stains though... worth a try.

I also don't know if it gets out the smell of scriptures.

Brandon said...

I'm actually not looking to get rid of urine, he is doing good there. Emily just doesn't like that he smells 'like a dog'.