Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oskar Ludwig Sorensen

I'm beginning to think Oskar was meant to be in this family (even though Emily is currently planning to sell him to some gypsies). We've only had this dog for 2 weeks now, but I've already seen signs that let me know Oskar is assimilating into the Sorensen Subculture. Without further ado, I give you...

Reasons I Know My Dog is a Sorensen

  1. He is a home-body. I've talked previously of his reluctance to go for walks - but I've recently discovered that it isn't because he is adverse to excercise (this would make him a Mason). He just hates to be away from our dwelling. When I'm dragging him until his paws bleed taking him for his walk, he starts to get really nervous the second we hit our property line. He digs his heels in and refuses to budge until I turn around. Then, he practically drags me home.

  2. He really enjoys a daily nap. Anyone who knows the Sorensens can attest to the fact that they they can find napping opportunities where most would never even dare look. I have watched in amazement as my father-in-law would come in from doing his farm work, and plop into a small (and terribly uncomfortable) leather-covered glider/rocking chair. Within minuets, he is fast asleep, and looks surprisingly comfortable. I have often wondered if this phenomenon is somehow related to the leather. I've even pondered conducting a little experiment - where while he was gone, I would remove the leather chair and then coat his kitchen sink in leather just to see if he would try to climb into it and take a nap.

  3. I've never seen Oskar eat Kraft Singles, Cool-Whip, White Wonderbread, Pop-Tarts, or sugary cereal. Trust me, my friend, you would have an easier time coaxing a Rabbi into eating pepperoni that you would trying to get a Sorensen to eat one of these delicious products of American Cuisine.

  4. He is a comfort-specialist. The guy just likes to get comfortable, and likes a good blanket while he is doing it. This is somewhat related to item #2. You've never seen blankets used so frequently outside of a bedroom until you see a Sorensen girl at home. For crying out loud, Nettie likes blankets so much she created an entire blog about them.

  5. When he gets gas, the whole world knows about it. Emily has been known to run from the room screaming... Oh, wait... this is one way he is like me.

Since I'm once again blogging about my dog, I should give a quick update: For the second time in my life, I have peed on my dog's head. In reality, I didn't so much as pee on him, as he walked into my stream. I was trying to show him (by example) where I want him to start going in the backyard, when the unfortunate little happening occurred. Emily then made me bathe him immediately.


jamie k said...

so wait. i thought this dog was good riddance. i have this feeling that you really love this dog, but love to talk about how much you want to get rid of him.

have you bought a harness yet? ...(or wait, everything in this world is now way too darn expensive and i haven't been to the mall in a REALLY long time d/t this struggling economy. hmmph. great bail out president bush. real great.)

Kelli said...

lol...good one brandon, good one!

d/t jamie? good one.

Emily said...

I bet you are all wondering if we traded our kids in for a dog since the last 5 posts have been about a dog. Hopefully soon our kids will get more attention than a stupid dog!

Jamie what is d/t?

jamie k said...

due to. i thought that was a common abbreviation...

Davis and Laura said...

I loved this. Thanks for a the laugh.