Sunday, November 23, 2008

Early and Late

The other day Abbey was talking to me and I thought to myself her teeth are getting crooked. Then a couple hours later we were eating lunch and it dawned on me that she had a loose tooth. It's her first. Is this early? She turns 5 tomorrow. So, when did your kids lose their first teeth?

notice how it sticks out and looks crooked.

Mylie had her first hair cut the other day. She's 2 3/4, now I know that's late for a first haircut. I'm probably the only one that can tell it's been cut, but it was getting very mullety and nappy. I only cut the back, the bangs just don't grow.

In other news... Lately Mylie has been waking up and wanting to come in our room. If it is really early (around 2:00) I make her a bed on the floor, but if it is later (6:00ish) we just put her in our bed. A couple days ago she was in our bed and when she woke up in the morning she started whining about her soggy pull-up. Brandon and I were both sleeping and I didn't feel like getting up so I told her to take off her jammies and pull-up, get a wipe and wipe herself and then put on a new one. She disappeared for I don't know how long (I fell back asleep), when she came back she proudly announced she was wearing a new pull-up. The same thing happened this morning. She's a genius, she can change her own diapers. This is much easier than potty training. I'm sure all of you are thinking: a) terrible parenting and b) if she can change her own diaper, she certainly can learn to do her business on the toilet. I say a) you're probably right, but one day she'll thank me when she has babies of her own and b) I will take any of your potty training tips and suggestions (especially for getting them to go #2 on the potty).


Kelli said...

no way! she changes her own diaper! that is so hilarious. i say you are an excellent parent.

give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day.
teach a man to fish, he'll eat for life.

(something like that)

nettie said...

i don't think you are a bad parent either. this totally cracked me up! i'm not sure abbout the teeth, it seems pretty early, but didn't she get her teeth early?

Julie said...

Emily, as a former kindergarten teacher I can tell you that I had 8 to 10 kids that had lost a tooth by the end of the kindertarten year. They are 5 to 6 years old then. So she's fine. I had a big tooth that they all got to write their names on in my class and one kid had lost two teeth even before school started and got to put his name on the tooth on the first day. He was a hero to the other kids.