Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Abbey

Yesterday was Abbey's Birthday. I told her I would make what ever she wanted for dinner or we could go out to eat anywhere she wanted. I figured we would be going to McDonalds, but she chose to go to Rumbi. We've only been there a couple time and I don't think she really cares too much for the food, but every time we go she likes to call it Ru Ru Rumbi and she repeats it over and over and over. So when asked what she wanted to do for her birthday dinner she said Ru Ru Rumbi.

On Saturday we had a birthday party for her. This was her first "friends" birthday party. The theme was a pretend sleep-over (thanks to Kim for the great idea) the girls wore their pajamas and brought their sleeping bags. Itwas so much fun!

When everyone got there we watched a movie and ate popcorn.

They played musical sleeping bags. This game was a hit. Mylie was the very first person out, which didn't go over too well.

Music stopped, everyone in a sleeping bag.

This was supposed to be a balloon relay where you have two teams and you run to the other end of the room and sit on the balloon to pop it, run back tag the next person on your team. Repeat. So on and so forth. Balloons these days are a lot stronger than they used to be so we ended up having everyone bounce on their balloon and the first to pop wins. It went on for nearly five minutes. It was funny to watch. Notice some girls are plugging their ears.

Balloon pop video

I made journals and the girls decorated them with foam stickers and jewels.

This is the little kid table.

Opening of the presents. Can they get any closer?

Singing Happy Birthday. Abbey was funny to watch while we sang, I could tell she was embarrassed. (you can kinda tell in this picture)

Happy Birthday Abbey!


Ashley said...

Happy Birthday Abbey! It was a darling party- very well planned. You went to a lot of work! Thanks for inviting James... I hope he didn't ruin it too much. He did enjoy eating/stealing everyone's popcorn. Have a fun trip to Fallon and a Happy Thanksgiving :)

Kim said...

Yeah! Happy Birthday Abbey! We can hardly wait to see you!

cathy said...

Looks like so much fun-Olivia is sitting here by me looking at the pictures and saying she wants to do the same thing for her birthday. She especially liked the journals-Olivia is very into writing and having her very own writing tools. You went to a lot of work Emily!

jamie k said...

happy birthday abbey! you had a fun party!!

i do not like it when people sing to me either. it makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable. haha. and abbey's friend to the left of her has a funny face :)

Kelli said...

abbey looks so pretty!

nettie said...

happy birthday abbey. i loved the balloon popping video.